Criminal Law Firm based in São Paulo - Brazil
Attorneys at Law who has been working with Criminal Law for more than a decade in the defense of the interests of Companies and Natural Persons with excellence and focus on results.
White Collar Crimes
Performance in the defense of the interests of companies when then are victims of fraud; or even in the event that members of the board of companie´s or sharesholder´s are the target of criminal investigations or accusations.
Fraud Prevention and Consulting.
Study of concrete business situations and M&A cases, as due diligences, to verify the potential and mitigate criminal and patrimonial risks for those involved in the activities.
Expertise in the Defense of Individuals or Legal Entities, in specialized crimes of Brazilian law such as:
* tax evasion;
* environmental crimes;
* public health crimes;
* public administration crimes;
* financial system and the capital markets crimes;
* money laundering crimes;
* bankruptcy crimes;
* electoral crimes;
* crimes of unfair competition;
* property crimes;
* cyber crimes;
* crimes against honor.
between others...
Internal Investigations
Accompaniment of a multidisciplinary team of auditors, information technology professionals, experts and other specialists to carry out business investigations to search any illegal activities that may have been carried out within the companies and which may have repercussions in terms of assets or reputation.

The firm was founded on the view that criminal law, even though it is sometimes trivialized, invariably produces enormous anguish for all who find themselves subject to this branch of law, whether as victims who have had their rights many times assaulted, either as investigated, when the State usually disrespects the most constitucional rights and guarantees of each citizen. For this reason, our vision is based on respect and partnership with the client so that he can have a safe haven in the office in times of greatest fragility and difficulty.

The positive results is always the objective, that's why our mission is, within ethical and legal limits, to fight in an intelligent and innovative way until the last instances for the prevalence of our clients' rights.
In order to implement our vision and carry out our mission, the Pacheco Martins l
Advogados office is based on the following values:
* Ethic
* Creativity

Pacheco Martins Advogados
Al. Joaquim Eugênio de Lima, 680 - set 64, Gardens.
CEP 0103000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil.
Email: contato@pachecomartins.com.br
Tel: (11) 3159-2586 / (11) 2367-9700
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